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The HR Report 2011/2012.

32 Competitive workforceHR Big 4 and Group strategy Service culture Talent agenda HR@2012 Personnel recruitment, restructuring and reduction based on business demands. Measured and fair: Continued business-oriented downsizing within the Group. 2011 saw us continue our efforts toward a so- cially acceptable reduction in the workforce at Deutsche Telekom companies. For this we apply globally proven measures for vol- untary redundancies. In Germany some of the most notable exam- ples include early retirement for civil servants and the new provi- sions, issued in the fall of 2011, on phased retirement for older employees, employees outside collective agreements and senior executives. The benefits granted by these provisions substantially surpass statutory norms. In addition we are using change instru- ments such as Job2Job@TSI to support our T-Systems segment staff who are interested in a change of career. In recent years these measures and the business-centered reor- ganization of Deutsche Telekom have helped us improve produc- tivity, effectiveness and age structures in numerous areas, par- ticularly at T-Systems and Telekom Deutschland. At the same time we have reorganized sections within our Shared Services – for example in HR, Accounting and Vivento – and further improved quality and efficiency as a result. We will be continuing this pro- cess in other administrative areas in the years to come. Vivento: Specialist service provider for new employment oppor- tunities. One of Vivento’s most urgent tasks as a service provider for socially acceptable workforce downsizing is to offer employees alternative employment prospects in good time – in the public as well as the private sector. Vivento 2011 review. We have provided around 6,900 employees in Germany with alternative employment – externally and inter- nally. More than 3,100 of them are working temporarily in the pub- lic sector and over 200 employees have found a new permanent position in the public sector. We have secured new public-sector partners for Interamt, the employment portal we launched for the public sector, and made the portal even more attractive for em- ployers and applicants. Proportion of civil servants in Group workforce in Germany. 2008 to 2011 in FTE. 2008 2009 2010 Dec. 31, 2011 Active civil servants 32,113 29,188 25,570 23,516 Civil servants on temporary leave from civil servant status* 3,033 6,597 1,678 1,537 Civil servants at affiliated companies 17,610 13,267 16,729 15,774 Total civil servants 52,756 49,052 43,977 40,828** Number of non-civil servants in Germany 78,957 78,435 79,197 80,736 Total number of employees in Germany 131,713 127,487 123,174 121,564 Percentage of civil servants in Germany in % 40.1 38.5 35.7 33.6 *Civil servants whose status as such is currently suspended. They have temporarily switched to an employee relationship not covered by collective agreements. **All figures calculated on the basis of precise detailed data. Since figures are rounded, totals may differ.
