The 2009/2010 Human Resources Report

Bologna@Telekom. Comprehensive higher education and retraining, worldwide employee programs. Statement by Dr. Peter Körner, Head of Human Resources Development

“Companies with an aptitude for winning and retaining the best talents have the best chance of success in global competition.” Dr. Peter Körner, Head of Human Resources Development We generate almost 57 percent of our revenues outside of Germany, where more than half of our workforce is employed. We need and actively search for talented, high- performing employees around the globe. We use a range of tailor-made programs and initiatives to recruit and promote them, and to ensure their long-term loyalty to Deutsche Telekom. Simultaneously, these programs are crucial for an international exchange among employees and, with it, an exchange of invaluable know-how and experience. In this way, we are also supporting the deve- lopment of a holistic understanding of Deutsche Telekom’s corporate mission state- ment and transformation.  “Jump in!” and “Start up!” The entry point for university graduates, either di- rectly to the desired position or – on a project basis – in a Board of Manage- ment department. Both have potential for assignments in Germany and abroad.  Telekom X-change. This exchange pro- gram has become established as a global HR development initiative with specific project tasks.  Leadership Excellence Programs. These uniform Group-wide programs, differentiated according to management level, encourage a uniform understan- ding of leadership and Group-wide net- working between our executives.  Professional Programs. These expert development programs, held entirely in English, are targeted at the Group’s glo- bal experts. There is also the possibility of studying for a Master’s degree. Encouraging mobility. Global programs for our employees. First-class employers for talent, training and career entry opportunities. We want to become one of the top ten talent companies - country for country. We are already a leading enterprise in many of the job markets where we operate. In Germany, too, we are well on the way to regaining our reputation as a reco- gnized talent company and attractive employer.  Growing international success. In the Uni- ted States, T-Mobile USA ranked among the Top 100 companies for the first time in 2009. Other award-winning companies included T-Mobile Croatia and T-Mobile Slovensko, as well as T-Systems Italy.  In Germany we have been winning awards as an outstanding training provider for many years. Almost 11,000 young people are currently in the process of completing their training with us. We now offer ten different training occupations.  Bologna@Telekom. Regardless of whether students opt for a full-time, cooperative or part-time degree course, Deutsche Telekom has championed the Bologna university re- form from the outset. For 2010, we are plan- ning to expand the number of degree courses available, as well as the number of places on offer. A new Group – New trainee and talent management. As a company with a new focus, we are now de- veloping a new, globally oriented trainee and ta- lent management system. On the one hand, this will attract fresh talent and up-to-date expertise; and on the other, it will also ensure comprehen- sive skills development and retraining options, together with a host of development prospects, for our employees.  Web 2.0, iPhone and events. We are inten- sifying contact to tomorrow’s top talent. To this end, we successfully make use of con- temporary media such as social networks, a job app for the iPhone, and unconventional dialog events such as “Technology meets Talent” and “Talents in Touch”.  Career page upgrade. Users visited our out- standing career page more than 600,000 times in 2009. We will continue to expand the online platform in 2010 – to become an inter- national career portal with job postings from around the world.  STEP up! and Go Ahead! are the career paths for executives and experts, with an in- creasingly global focus. They provide an in-house talent pool from which to fill ma- nagement and expert vacancies.  Four continents – One talent company. We support Deutsche Telekom’s transformation into an international service group with a uni- form, Group-wide system of talent manage- ment that transcends national borders.  ”Home-grown” talents: We cultivate and enforce our policy of promoting and advan- cing employees from within our own ranks. Amongst other things, we are Germany’s lar- gest training provider, and the range of courses available is being selectively expanded.  Development means employability: We en- courage and expect our talents to seize the international development opportunities available to them. For themselves, for the Group, and for our customers.  We believe that development continues throughout every phase of an employee’s working life, and that includes options such as part-time work for executives and experts returning to work after taking time out to raise a family, and intensive networking opportunities. Technology meets talent. The 2009/2010 Human Resources Report. 15 Talent

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