The 2009/2010 Human Resources Report

Jacqueline Kost and Peter Dörrzapf: The successful project “Telekom Trainee Shop”.

One Telekom Shop, three training voca- tions, five nationalities, 23 trainees: put them all together in Ludwigshafen-Oggers- heim, and you get a very special mixture of people, and a very special project – the “Telekom Trainee Shop.ì “What the trai- nees did and achieved here was unique,“ says Peter Dörrzapf enthusiastically. He is a trainer at Deutsche Telekom Vocational Training (TA) and was on hand to support the trainees during their Shop Project 2009. “We split up into different teams to solve the various tasks as effectively as possible,ì explains Jacqueline Kost, then head of the Trainee Shop. As well as mar- keting, PR and technology teams, they also had an Entertain roadshow truck team and a training team. While the truck team was out and about presenting Entertain at a number of locations in the Ludwigshafen region, the training team was busy offering a range of services, including Entertain training courses in Turkish. As the project included German, Polish, Russian, Turkish and Tunisian trainees, “ethno-marketing” was the natural outcome! “As well as organizing everything ourselves, we also set our own sales targets,“ continues Jacqueline Kost. They significantly over- achieved some of these targets, as well as outstripping regular sales figures in some cases, such as a six-fold increase in sales of a particular mobile phone plan. Peter Dörrzapf adds: “What the young peo- ple learn here in 14 days is more than they would otherwise learn in six months“! Since its launch in 2004, the Shop project is now firmly established on the training calendar, and plans for the “Trainee Shop 2010” are already underway. Next year’s Shop will focus on marketing of the iPhone. We would like to take this oppor- tunity to wish the participants every success! “A truly unique achievement.” 22 Tolerance

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