The 2009/2010 Human Resources Report

For Deutsche Telekom, tolerance is synonymous with productive diversity. “Adding value by valuing others” is our motto – everyone linked to Deutsche Telekom benefits from our “diversity business case.”

HR International: Further internationalization of our HR mission and action areas. International HR work under the single strategic umbrella of One HR plays a key role en route to becoming a multinational One Company. Over the past two years or so, we have created a unifying force for HR work that transcends countries and business areas in the form of HR International, developed structures and exchange platforms, and initiated processes designed to strengthen our Group’s diversity as a value-added factor that will protect us in the future. The active Group-wide exchange of best practice examples, knowledge and experience via HR International will play a vital role in safeguarding Deutsche Telekom’s future competitiveness. Our aim is to present a united front in accordance with our shared Guiding Principles, while at the same time remaining mindful of the (cultural) peculiarities of the many different countries and societies in which we operate: We want to establish this respectful and egalitarian approach to coopera- tion throughout all levels of our HR department, including the very highest decision-making body. 32|33 Deutsche Telekom also supports a number of employee networks with a focus on harmonizing work and family life. These include the fathers’ net- work “Heimspiel” (Home Match), which seeks to explore new approaches for improving the balance between work and family life for men, and to en- courage fathers to play a more active role in their children’s lives. Deutsche Telekom’s efforts in this connection have also attracted growing internation- al recognition. For example, Magyar Telekom in Hungary was the winner of the “Family-Friendly Workplace Award” 2009. Other awards have also recently been won by T-Mobile Czech Republic and T-Systems Austria (for further awards, see the section on Talent, page 17). Diversity business case V: Tapping into new talent reservoirs. “My chance to get going!” Under this motto, Deutsche Telekom Vocational Training is developing a brand new form of training for young talent, the “entry- level training scheme for young people”. In collaboration with the Federal Employment Agency (BA), the scheme offers concrete job prospects to dis- advantaged youngsters, particularly those from uneducated backgrounds. September 1, 2009 saw 61 young people embark upon a year’s intern- ship, which (provided the probationary period is completed successfully) will lead on to a vocational training course. Outstanding achievers will even be able to leapfrog straight into the second year of training. Over a period of three years, we hope to extend this opportunity to several hundred such young people, making Deutsche Telekom the first DAX 30-listed company to launch an entry-level training program for young people in collaboration with the Federal Employment Agency with a focus on integration rather than separation. As well as exemplifying our social commitment to the younger generation, the “My chance to get going!” initiative is also a forward-think- ing response to the current shortage of expert staff, which we hope will help to secure our future workforce requirements. The “Yes, I Can!” initiative launched in April 2009 contributes to both of these objectives, and supports nationwide skills acquisition projects for children and young people. Tolerance Talent Team Tolerance Technology HR@2012 ”As the partner for business, we deliver top quality.” Talent Agenda ”We win, retain and develop talent in expert and management functions in compliance with our business objectives.” Service culture ”We support transforma- tion into the most highly regarded service company with our professional, business-driven change management.” Competitive workforce ”We create value-added with end-to-end total workforce management.” Contents

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