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The HR Report 2011/2012.

15 Crnogorski Telekom: Task force for healthy working atmosphere. At Crnogorski Telekom (CT, Montenegro), women hold 42 percent of management positions, mainly in middle management. As a re- sult of increasing business requirements, lifestyles and culturally- driven role models, stress situations and professional health risks affect them more than their male counterparts. This explains the clearly lower number of women in senior and top management positions: as their career progresses, so they face increasing stress levels and the risk of suffering from burnout. CT has set up the “Program to promote a healthy working environment” in order to create working conditions that promote health. All female man- agers have taken part in the “Stress management and prevention of burnout” program. One of its key outcomes was to turn female executives into a “task force for a healthy working environment.” Mirjana Maslovar, Sonja Rakocevic, Sandra Dujovic, Jovanka Radovic, Jelena Saulic, Svetlana Mugosa, Dana Bogetic, Radmila Raicevic, Izabela Popovic, Mirjana Mirtotic and Jasna Mirkovic, from various business units at Crnogorski Telekom. Mom and trainee. “I love the flexibility and the variety with my job. And of course the opportunities it gives me. Deutsche Telekom is the ideal em- ployer for me since even mothers have opportunities to progress professionally. Here I manage to successfully combine training and childcare. My team is one reason why I really like my training. Whenever I get back from vocational school, I can tell that the others have missed me. I’m part of it all and that’s a great feeling.” Fatmire Ahmeti, office communications administrator trainee at Recruiting & Talent Service, Deutsche Telekom. Work-life balance. work-life@telekom: A motivating work climate creates freedom to pursue individual lifestyles and enhances the quality of life. Deutsche Telekom offers its employees an entire package of opportunities – from childcare and holiday care through flexible working time models to networking for mothers and fathers during parental leave.
