27 Competitive workforceHR Big 4 and Group strategy Service culture Talent agenda HR@2012 Total workforce costs reduced by EUR 500 million. Personnel cost ratio increased to 23.2 percent Group-wide. Total Workforce Management creates resource transparency for strategic challenges. Restructuring carried forward through skills development and socially responsible adjustment. Health rate in Germany remains constant. 2008 2009 2010 2011 263 210 341 251 218 221 247 273 221 244* 268 285** GermanyInternational Group *The reason for the revenue trend is that international pressure on revenues is affecting the Group as a whole. The trend in Germany is almost constant. **2009: OTE acquisition resulted in a disproportionately high increase in international employees in relation to revenue growth 250 300 350 Revenue per FTE (full time equivalent) on the decline. 2008 to 2011 in thousands 1. Number of employees worldwide slightly down. By business areas and regions, all as of Dec. 31. 2008 2009 2010 2011 Germany OS* 85,637 81,336 76,478 75,058 Europe OS 18,255 17,631 12,108 58,010** SEE 20,885 53,532 51,230 ** T-Systems 45,862 46,021 47,707 48,163 USA 38,031 40,697 37,760 32,868 Group Headquarters and Shared Services 19,077 20,703 21,494 21,033 Group (total) 227,747 259,920 246,777 235,132 *Operating segments **from 2011 Europe incl. SEE