39 Competitive workforceHR Big 4 and Group strategy Service culture Talent agenda HR@2012 Change management goes hand in hand with cultural change. The ongoing evolution of our business demands that our em- ployees be ready to embrace change. We are encouraging this evolution through increased management awareness and the active assistance of change experts on site. Support for uniform change awareness comes in the shape of the globally available Change Navigator – a kit of tools and methods – as well as certified training courses for change managers. Flexible and efficient structures for outstanding service. Deutsche Telekom wants to offer its customers outstanding ser- vice – at competitive prices. This is why our Group is continually being reorganized so that our business design and structure is as efficient as possible and at the same time as flexible as pos- sible for our customers. Whether in our home market or in our European companies and affiliates, the primary responsibility for implementing this reorganization lies with our employees. To support and accompany it, we introduced Group-wide change management in 2009. This means we provide tools to experts, executives and everyone involved to create a common methodol- ogy across the Group. The “Change Navigator” is available inter- nationally and gives all interested parties access to graded tools, documents and best practices relevant to Deutsche Telekom’s standardized change management. Satisfaction rate and commitment index remain at excellent level. Executives in %. 2011 Germany* 83 % International* 70 % Group (total)* 78 % Commitment index, scale of 1 to 5** 3.8 * Answers from the pulse check in November 2011 to the question “How do you feel in our company?” ** Value from the 2010 employee survey Fluctuation rate. Total and unmanaged (termination by employee), in %. 2011 Germany (total) 1.93 % Of which: Germany, unmanaged 1.77 % International fluctuation in Europe*, total 9.05 % Of which: international fluctuation in Europe*, unmanaged 4.88 % * International excluding T-Systems International and USA The real change managers are actually our HR Business Part- ners and executives in the local business units. If executives only implement change management measures half-heartedly, they will not have any effect. Executives are therefore responsible for all these measures within their own fields. The HR Business Part- ner provides professional support and gets change experts in- volved too. Change Community creates networks. To ensure that our change management is fit for purpose, we have set up regular contact between our change experts. “International networking” is the key concept with which we are increasing knowledge shar- ing and international project-oriented cooperation in the Change Community. To this end we are using a shared social media plat- form, international conference calls and the International Change Community Conference.