41 Competitive workforceHR Big 4 and Group strategy Service culture Talent agenda HR@2012 High ratings = Very good, good/agree fully, agree. Low ratings = Poor, very poor/do not agree, do not agree at all. “Neither agree nor disagree” ratings are not included. Explanations of questions asked: Satisfaction = How do you feel in the company? Product recommendation = I recommend the products/services of our company to potential customers outside of my work environment. Employer attractiveness = I would recommend our company as a great place to work. Changes = I can understand the changes in our company. Strategy = I can clearly explain to others the strategy of Deutsche Telekom. Collaboration = In my experience, we all work together as partners at Deutsche Telekom in the interests of the Group’s success. Workload/quality = In my team, the workload and quality requirements are consistent with one another. Work-life balance = The current working hours allow a good balance between private (family/leisure act.) and job-related interests. HR development = Our company offers sufficient training opportunities to support my professional development. Processes = Processes, IT tools and procedures allow me to effectively meet my customers’ needs. Recognition = Considering all my efforts and achievements, I feel that I have received the appropriate amount of recognition at work. Around 121,000 employees from 29 countries participated in the pulse check. More than 180,000 were invited to take part, response rate: 67 % (2010 employee survey: 71 %). Pulse check with excellent results. Results of the Group-wide pulse check, November 2011, in %. 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 30 20 10 Germany International Germany International High ratings (agree) Low ratings (disagree) Satisfaction Productrecommendation Employerattractiveness* Changes Strategy Collaboration Workload/quality* Work-lifebalance* HRdevelopment* Processes* Recognition* 66 9 79 8 13 12 21 15 14 18 18 18 15 16 18 21 21 24 25 20 22 24 62 65 60 57 53 51 42 53 51 48 63 78 75 61 63 44 55 62 52 50 55 * New element of the pulse check.