51 Competitive workforceHR Big 4 and Group strategy Service culture Talent agenda HR@2012 Talent management: Internal HR development and talent promotion. Talent Spaces: Making talent visible. With Talent Spaces, we are making talents more visible Group-wide and driving forward their development and careers across business units and func- tions. We initially started in October 2010 in five functional areas: technology, IT, procurement, finance and HR. In the second round of Talent Spaces from October 2012, we will integrate ad- ditional functions. The success of our Talent Spaces initiative can be seen from the figures. After 12 of the total 18 months, half of the almost 200 talents – of whom 44 percent are women and 42 percent international participants – have already progressed, either within or beyond their own functional area, business unit or country. With the introduction of Talent Spaces, we have com- pleted Telekom’s talent landscape and largely concluded the har- monization of our talent initiatives. Succession planning and safeguarding leadership quality through Leadership Quality Gates. High-quality succession plan- ning is the prerequisite for filling vacancies smoothly with internal staff. It is also an instrument that we can use to promote and de- velop talented young people, and offer them career prospects. In addition, it enables the management of diversity, internationality and cross-functionality in the leadership team. Another step to- ward ensuring leadership quality is the Group-wide implementa- tion of the Leadership Quality Gates (LQG). The evaluation of the LQGs established in our Europe and T-Systems segments showed a high level of approval among observers and the executives involved. From May 2010 to the end of October 2011, we held 368 national and international LQGs overall at T-Systems. In the Europe board department in the same period, there were 38 ap- pointment procedures at managing board level in the national companies. Telekom – a good corporate citizen. Education as a social duty. Since the summer semester of 2011, Telekom has been supporting students, primarily in the STEM subjects (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics), at seven universities. Overall, 360 scholarships will be provided by 2014. Increase in proportion of women studying STEM sub- jects: In 2011, the percentage of women on all STEM study programs (on-campus, cooperative, part-time) increased from 13.4 percent in 2010 to 20.7 percent. For cooperative STEM study programs alone, the figure more than doubled to 26 percent. Part-time training for single parents: In September 2011, Telekom together with the German Federal Employment Agency launched a project to provide training and study for single parents. In the pilot project, 17 single mothers began training part-time at five of our training centers. In addition, in October 2011, three young mothers started a technical cooperative degree program on a part-time basis. Entry-level training for disadvantaged young people (see box on page 48): The program is especially directed at young people from a background of long-term unemploy- ment. Migrant background: For our vocational training, we endeavor at each training center to recruit the same per- centage of apprentices from a migrant background as are represented in the regional population. i