46 Competitive workforceHR Big 4 and Group strategy Service culture Talent agenda HR@2012 In competition for the best talent. The Great Experience: Persuasive employer promise. We need to become one of the magnets on the talent markets. We are raising our profile on the job markets with a clear promise – our global employer value proposition, which we summarize under “The Great Experience” (see page 6). On top of our promise, the national companies are honing their message of exactly what it is that makes them particularly attractive as an employer, show- ing future employees why they can gain unique, valuable experi- ences at Telekom. From 2012, we will use The Great Experience to forge ahead in our search for talent. We also achieved recruit- ing successes worldwide: after establishing an International Re- cruiting Community, positions are being filled across national borders. Approaching talent: Making the “new Telekom” visible in Web 2.0. We approach potential applicants in the places where they are communicating: in the social networks of Web 2.0. Our Euro- pean subsidiaries also have a presence on the talent markets through social media. For years, Telekom’s Web 2.0 commitment has been seen as leading among the German DAX 30 compa- nies. In 2011, we took first place for the second year in a row in the HR Social Media Activities of DAX 30 Companies. The Online Talent Communication study, which evaluates the channels of social media, careers page, job exchange and mobile recruiting, also ranked us fifth. Some 30,000 students and graduates around the world were surveyed. We also increase interactivity and personal relevance through campaigns such as the crowdsourcing competition “Your idea!,” which is the only one of its kind so far in German HR marketing. Here, for the first time, students and graduates can design their own app for the Facebook fanpage TelekomKarriere or to incor- porate in our careers page on the Internet. New job exchange in the first half of 2012. This will substan- tially accelerate the application and recruiting process. Profes- sionals, for example, will be able to apply for our jobs in just three minutes. We will then make even greater use of external job por- tals and social media to advertise our job vacancies than previ- ously. In contact with talent. A whole range of events and programs supports the goal of building up and maintaining contact with graduates and talented young people: “Flexikum – the internship where the Company adapts to interns’ timing.” The Bologna university reform substantially restricts the timing options for doing internships. However, in order to build a bridge between theory and practice for bud- ding academics, Telekom has developed the Flexikum: partici- pants can tailor their internship plan to their personal needs, the company adapts to their plans. Technology meets Talent. The sixth edition of our unusual and successful bar camp was all about mobile web applica- tions and technologies. It provides a platform where talented individuals and high-profile experts from the worlds of busi- ness, science and politics can meet for discussion and to get to know each other. LoungeXING. Our T-Systems business area combines Web 2.0 activities with events for making personal contact, for in- stance LoungeXING. This took place in cooperation with the XING groups IT-Connection and StuttgartBC, with a focus on automotive. Telekom ambassadors. With the Telekom Ambassador Pro- gram, Telekom has access to a unique network of 530 experts and executives (as of 2011; 2008: 300). They hold guest lec- tures or give presentations on practical issues at universities and contribute significantly to improving the company’s image as an employer through personal contact. University@Telekom. Through this series of events, we maintain contact with universities, their teaching staff and ca- reer centers. This ensures we get the most out of our university partnerships.