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The HR Report 2011/2012.

61 Competitive workforceHR Big 4 and Group strategy Service culture Talent agenda HR@2012 HR Services: complaint rate halved. Overall, HR Services Telekom (PST) managed a total volume of some 2.1 million transactions in 2011. January 0.11 % 249 106 0.04 % –57 % December Number of complaints Training and development at HR. Best HR People and HR CAMPUS. The expertise and perfor- mance of our HR team are a major component in achieving HR excellence. Consequently the purpose of our Best HR People project is to make lasting improvements to the skills and perfor- mance levels of all our staff. Tailor-made HR development: the HR CAMPUS modules. One example of our HR staff upskilling activities, through which we also want to improve our focus on the business and our cus- tomers, is the HR CAMPUS program. Currently this gives our staff seven training modules for further development (cooperative negotiations, confident appearance, advisory skills, project man- agement, employment law, success in HR work). Finding and nurturing HR talent. The HR heads in many of our national companies have seized the initiative to identify and nur- ture HR talent both within and beyond their own field. Cross-sec- tor support for this comes in the form of the European HR talent pool. In addition we are using the Start up! program to continu- ously recruit highly qualified junior HR staff. Since 2008 more than 30 HR talents have taken part in this program for those with high potential. HR internationalization and harmonization. Better service and greater efficiency by means of Group-wide product systemization. To implement our HR range across busi- ness areas and national boundaries transparently and effectively, we have developed a standardized service catalog for our Group- wide HR products. Customer focus is the top priority – with a con- sistent wording and clearly defined terms. The basis for our glob- al product management is a consistent, systematic HR portfolio. So our customers enjoy both the benefits of an HR product port- folio that is focused and centered on their requirements and the fact that the HR area can adapt more speedily to changes within the Group. Global HR Service Architecture and MyPortal. To enable us to act Group-wide as uniformly as possible and as specifically as is needed, we rely on a globally standardized HR IT architecture. The Global HR Service Architecture (GHSA) should create the highest levels of flexibility, to enable the greatest possible harmo- nization of processes and systems, whilst simultaneously offering HR customers the best services. We got off to a successful start in the Netherlands at the beginning of 2012. The MyPortal platform lies at the heart of GHSA. The central ac- cess portal makes it quick and easy for every employee to access all the HR services relevant to them. Users only need to log in once to access the specialist portals and to create favorites lists. MyPortal has been conceived and developed according to state- of-the-art knowledge in terms of user guidance, programming and accessibility. It was launched in our German companies and in the international GHSA pilot company, T-Mobile Netherlands, in the first quarter of 2012. In future, the specialist portals of all Deutsche Telekom’s German and international units and compa- nies will be gradually integrated into MyPortal.
